Doomthresha Khan

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Doomthresha Khan (b. June 7 1989 as Dennis Wiggins) is the designated mutant community leader in Hollywood, achieving the position through the cultural tradition of gladiatorial bloodsports. Rather than a more conventional title for his position, Khan has chosen to go by "immortal god-king of the misshapen" with the typical bombastic flair that helped him win over the crowds at Three-Eyed Skull Arena.

Previously an intern at a small film studio, Khan was exposed to a HZ-rated movie that proved so volatile it spontaneously rewrote his genetic code. As a mutant, Khan's distinguishing features are mainly those that distinguish him from normal humans. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Vastly increased size and muscle mass.
  • Retractable claws.
  • Second heart.
  • Third nipple.
  • Bulletproof skin.